$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Giant Font
 GIF Input
 GIF Output
Read and write GD images.
fixed point bicubic integer
fixed point bilinear
Crop black borders
Crop using colors of the 4 corners
Crop using the transparent color
Crop white borders
Generalized cubic
bilinear interpolation
Nearest neighbour interpolation
GD_QUANT_LIQ if libimagequant is available, GD_QUANT_JQUANT otherwise.
libjpeg’s old median cut.
A combination of algorithms used in libimagequant aiming for the highest quality at cost of speed.
NeuQuant - approximation using Kohonen neural network.
4 pixels weighted bilinear interpolation
Read and write GD2 images.
int gdAffineApplyToPointF (gdPointFPtr dst,
const gdPointFPtr src,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a point (floating point gdPointF)
int gdAffineConcat (double dst[6],
const double m1[6],
const double m2[6])
Concat (Multiply) two affine transformation matrices.
int gdAffineEqual (const double m1[6],
const double m2[6])
Determines whether two affine transformations are equal.
int gdAffineFlip (double dst[6],
const double src[6],
const int flip_h,
const int flip_v)
Flip an affine transformation horizontally or vertically.
int gdAffineIdentity (double dst[6])
Set up the identity matrix.
int gdAffineInvert (double dst[6],
const double src[6])
Find the inverse of an affine transformation.
int gdAffineRectilinear (const double m[6])
Determines whether the affine transformation is axis aligned.
int gdAffineRotate (double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a rotation affine transform.
int gdAffineScale (double dst[6],
const double scale_x,
const double scale_y)
Set up a scaling matrix.
int gdAffineShearHorizontal(double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a horizontal shearing matrix || becomes \\.
int gdAffineShearVertical(double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a vertical shearing matrix, columns are untouched.
int gdAffineTranslate (double dst[6],
const double offset_x,
const double offset_y)
Set up a translation matrix.
int gdAlphaBlend (int dst,
int src)
Blend two colors
draw anti aliased
use the current brush, see gdImageSetBrush
void gdClearErrorMethod(void)
int gdColorMapLookup(const gdColorMap color_map,
const char *color_name,
int *r,
int *g,
int *b)
Preserve previous frame
First allocated color of palette
Restore to before start of frame
Not recommended
void * gdDPExtractData(gdIOCtxPtr ctx,
int *size)
const char * gdExtraVersion()
int gdFontCacheSetup (void)
Set up the font cache.
void gdFontCacheShutdown ()
Shut down the font cache and free the allocated resources.
gdFontPtr gdFontGetGiant (void)
Returns the built-in giant font.
gdFontPtr gdFontGetLarge (void)
Returns the built-in large font.
gdFontPtr gdFontGetMediumBold (void)
Returns the built-in medium bold font.
gdFontPtr gdFontGetSmall (void)
Returns the built-in small font.
gdFontPtr gdFontGetTiny (void)
Returns the built-in tiny font.
A font structure, containing the bitmaps of all characters in a font.
void gdFree (void *ptr)
Frees memory that has been allocated by libgd functions.
void gdFreeFontCache ()
Alias of gdFontCacheShutdown.
A structure and associated pointer type used to pass additional parameters to the gdImageStringFTEx function.
int gdFTUseFontConfig(int flag)
Enable or disable fontconfig by default.
void gdImageAABlend (gdImagePtr im)
NO-OP, kept for library compatibility.
Gets the alpha component value of a given color.
void gdImageAlphaBlending (gdImagePtr im,
int alphaBlendingArg)
Set the effect for subsequent drawing operations
void gdImageArc (gdImagePtr im,
int cx,
int cy,
int w,
int h,
int s,
int e,
int color)
gdImageAvifEx outputs the specified image to the specified file in AVIF format.
Gets the blue component value of a given color.
void gdImageBmp(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int compression)
gdImageBmp outputs the specified image to the specified file in BMP format.
void gdImageBmpCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out,
int compression)
Outputs the given image as BMP data, but using a gdIOCtx instead of a file.
void * gdImageBmpPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int compression)
Outputs the given image as BMP data, but using a gdIOCtx instead of a file.
int gdImageBoundsSafe (gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y)
int gdImageBrightness(gdImagePtr src,
int brightness)
Change the brightness of an image
void gdImageChar (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
int c,
int color)
Draws a single character.
void gdImageCharUp (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
int c,
int color)
gdImagePtr gdImageClone (gdImagePtr src)
Clones an image
int gdImageColor(gdImagePtr src,
const int red,
const int green,
const int blue,
const int alpha)
Change channel values of an image
int gdImageColorAllocate (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b)
Allocates a color
int gdImageColorAllocateAlpha (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a)
Allocates a color
int gdImageColorClosest (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b)
Gets the closest color of the image
int gdImageColorClosestAlpha (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a)
Gets the closest color of the image
int gdImageColorClosestHWB (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b)
void gdImageColorDeallocate (gdImagePtr im,
int color)
Removes a palette entry
int gdImageColorExact (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b)
Gets the exact color of the image
int gdImageColorExactAlpha (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a)
Gets the exact color of the image
int gdImageColorMatch (gdImagePtr im1,
gdImagePtr im2)
Bring the palette colors in im2 to be closer to im1.
int gdImageColorReplace (gdImagePtr im,
int src,
int dst)
int gdImageColorReplaceArray (gdImagePtr im,
int len,
int *src,
int *dst)
int gdImageColorReplaceCallback (gdImagePtr im,
gdCallbackImageColor callback)
int gdImageColorReplaceThreshold (gdImagePtr im,
int src,
int dst,
float threshold)
int gdImageColorResolve (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b)
gdImageColorResolve is an alternative for the code fragment
int gdImageColorResolveAlpha (gdImagePtr im,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a)
Gets the number of colors in the palette.
void gdImageColorTransparent (gdImagePtr im,
int color)
Sets the transparent color of the image
int gdImageCompare (gdImagePtr im1,
gdImagePtr im2)
Compare two images
int gdImageContrast(gdImagePtr src,
double contrast)
Change the contrast of an image
int gdImageConvolution(gdImagePtr src,
float filter[3][3],
float filter_div,
float offset)
Apply a convolution matrix to an image
void gdImageCopy (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
int dstX,
int dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int w,
int h)
Copy an area of an image to another image
Return a copy of the source image src blurred according to the parameters using the Gaussian Blur algorithm.
void gdImageCopyMerge (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
int dstX,
int dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int w,
int h,
int pct)
Copy an area of an image to another image ignoring alpha
void gdImageCopyMergeGray (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
int dstX,
int dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int w,
int h,
int pct)
Copy an area of an image to another image ignoring alpha
void gdImageCopyResampled (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
int dstX,
int dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int dstW,
int dstH,
int srcW,
int srcH)
Copy a resampled area from an image to another image
void gdImageCopyResized (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
int dstX,
int dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int dstW,
int dstH,
int srcW,
int srcH)
Copy a resized area from an image to another image
void gdImageCopyRotated (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
double dstX,
double dstY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int srcWidth,
int srcHeight,
int angle)
Copy a rotated area from an image to another image
gdImagePtr gdImageCreate (int sx,
int sy)
gdImageCreate is called to create palette-based images, with no more than 256 colors.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromAvif(FILE *infile)
gdImageCreateFromAvif is called to load truecolor images from AVIF format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromAvifCtx (gdIOCtx *ctx)
See gdImageCreateFromAvif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromAvifPtr(int size,
void *data)
See gdImageCreateFromAvif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmp(FILE *inFile)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmpCtx(gdIOCtxPtr infile)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmpPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromFile(const char *filename)
Read an image file of any supported.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromGd is called to load images from gd format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2 (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromGd2 is called to load images from gd2 format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
Reads in a GD2 image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Part (FILE *inFile,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImageCreateFromGd2Part is called to load parts of images from gd2 format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx (gdIOCtx *in,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2PartPtr (int size,
void *data,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Ptr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGdCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
Reads in a GD image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGdPtr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGif(FILE *fdFile)
gdImageCreateFromGif is called to load images from GIF format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifCtx(gdIOCtxPtr fd)
See gdImageCreateFromGif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifPtr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromHeif(FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromHeif is called to load truecolor images from HEIF format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromHeifCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromHeif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromHeifPtr(int size,
void *data)
See gdImageCreateFromHeif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpeg(FILE *inFile)
See gdImageCreateFromJpegEx.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromJpeg.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtxEx(gdIOCtx *infile,
int ignore_warning)
See gdImageCreateFromJpeg.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegEx(FILE *inFile,
int ignore_warning)
gdImageCreateFromJpegEx is called to load truecolor images from JPEG format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtrEx(int size,
void *data,
int ignore_warning)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPng (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromPng is called to load images from PNG format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngCtx (gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromPng.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngPtr (int size,
void *data)
See gdImageCreateFromPng.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngSource (gdSourcePtr inSource)
See gdImageCreateFromPng for documentation.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTga(FILE *fp)
Creates a gdImage from a TGA file
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTgaCtx(gdIOCtx *ctx)
Creates a gdImage from a gdIOCtx referencing a TGA binary file.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTgaPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTiffCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
Create a gdImage from a TIFF file input from an gdIOCtx.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTiffPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMP(FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromWBMP is called to load images from WBMP format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
Reads in a WBMP image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMPPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebp (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromWebp is called to load truecolor images from WebP format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpCtx (gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromWebp.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr (int size,
void *data)
See gdImageCreateFromWebp.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXbm(FILE *fd)
gdImageCreateFromXbm is called to load images from X bitmap format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXpm(char *filename)
gdImageCreateFromXbm is called to load images from XPM X Window System color bitmap format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreatePaletteFromTrueColor (gdImagePtr im,
int dither,
int colorsWanted)
Creates a new palette image from a truecolor image
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateTrueColor (int sx,
int sy)
gdImageCreateTrueColor is called to create truecolor images, with an essentially unlimited number of colors.
gdImagePtr gdImageCrop(gdImagePtr src,
const gdRect *crop)
Crop an image to a given rectangle
gdImagePtr gdImageCropAuto(gdImagePtr im,
const unsigned int mode)
Crop an image automatically
gdImagePtr gdImageCropThreshold(gdImagePtr im,
const unsigned int color,
const float threshold)
Crop an image using a given color
void gdImageDashedLine (gdImagePtr im,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
int color)
void gdImageDestroy (gdImagePtr im)
gdImageDestroy is used to free the memory associated with an image.
int gdImageEdgeDetectQuick(gdImagePtr src)
Edge detection of an image
void gdImageEllipse(gdImagePtr im,
int mx,
int my,
int w,
int h,
int c)
int gdImageEmboss(gdImagePtr im)
Emboss an image
int gdImageFile(gdImagePtr im,
const char *filename)
Writes an image to a file in the format indicated by the filename.
void gdImageFill(gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y,
int nc)
void gdImageFilledArc (gdImagePtr im,
int cx,
int cy,
int w,
int h,
int s,
int e,
int color,
int style)
void gdImageFilledEllipse (gdImagePtr im,
int mx,
int my,
int w,
int h,
int c)
void gdImageFilledPolygon (gdImagePtr im,
gdPointPtr p,
int n,
int c)
Draws a filled polygon
void gdImageFilledRectangle (gdImagePtr im,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
int color)
void gdImageFillToBorder (gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y,
int border,
int color)
void gdImageFlipBoth(gdImagePtr im)
Flip an image vertically and horizontally
void gdImageFlipHorizontal(gdImagePtr im)
Flip an image horizontally
void gdImageFlipVertical(gdImagePtr im)
Flip an image vertically
int gdImageGaussianBlur(gdImagePtr im)
gdImageGaussianBlur performs a Gaussian blur of radius 1 on the image.
void gdImageGd (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
void gdImageGd2 (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int cs,
int fmt)
void * gdImageGd2Ptr (gdImagePtr im,
int cs,
int fmt,
int *size)
void * gdImageGdPtr (gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
void gdImageGetClip (gdImagePtr im,
int *x1P,
int *y1P,
int *x2P,
int *y2P)
Gets the current clipping rectangle
Whether an image is interlaced.
gdInterpolationMethod gdImageGetInterpolationMethod(gdImagePtr im)
Get the current interpolation method
int gdImageGetPixel (gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y)
Gets a pixel color as stored in the image.
Gets the transparent color of the image.
int gdImageGetTrueColorPixel (gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y)
Gets a pixel color always as truecolor value.
void gdImageGif(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
gdImageGif outputs the specified image to the specified file in GIF format.
void gdImageGifAnimAdd(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
This function writes GIF animation frames to GIF animation, which was initialized with gdImageGifAnimBegin.
void gdImageGifAnimAddCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
Adds an animation frame via a gdIOCtxPtr.
void * gdImageGifAnimAddPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
Like gdImageGifAnimAdd (which contains more information) except that it stores the data to write into memory and returns a pointer to it.
void gdImageGifAnimBegin(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
This function must be called as the first function when creating a GIF animation.
void gdImageGifAnimBeginCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
Like gdImageGifAnimBegin except that it outputs to gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifAnimBeginPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
Like gdImageGifAnimBegin except that it outputs to a memory buffer.
void gdImageGifAnimEnd(FILE *outFile)
Terminates the GIF file properly.
void gdImageGifAnimEndCtx(gdIOCtx *out)
Like gdImageGifAnimEnd, but writes its data via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifAnimEndPtr(int *size)
Like gdImageGifAnimEnd (which contains more information) except that it stores the data to write into memory and returns a pointer to it.
void gdImageGifCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out)
Writes a GIF image via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
Identical to gdImageGif except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the GIF data.
int gdImageGrayScale(gdImagePtr src)
Convert an image to grayscale
Gets the green component value of a given color.
void gdImageHeif(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
Variant of gdImageHeifEx which uses the default quality (-1), the default codec (GD_HEIF_Codec_HEVC) and the default chroma subsampling (GD_HEIF_CHROMA_444).
void gdImageHeifCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile,
int quality,
gdHeifCodec codec,
gdHeifChroma chroma)
Write the image as HEIF data via a gdIOCtx.
void gdImageHeifEx(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int quality,
gdHeifCodec codec,
gdHeifChroma chroma)
gdImageHeifEx outputs the specified image to the specified file in HEIF format.
void * gdImageHeifPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
See gdImageHeifEx.
void * gdImageHeifPtrEx(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int quality,
gdHeifCodec codec,
gdHeifChroma chroma)
See gdImageHeifEx.
void gdImageInterlace (gdImagePtr im,
int interlaceArg)
Sets whether an image is interlaced
void gdImageJpeg(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int quality)
gdImageJpeg outputs the specified image to the specified file in JPEG format.
void gdImageJpegCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile,
int quality)
Write the image as JPEG data via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageJpegPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int quality)
Identical to gdImageJpeg except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the JPEG data.
void gdImageLine (gdImagePtr im,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
int color)
Bresenham as presented in Foley & Van Dam.
int gdImageMeanRemoval(gdImagePtr im)
Mean removal of an image
int gdImageNegate(gdImagePtr src)
Invert an image
gdImagePtr gdImageNeuQuant(gdImagePtr im,
const int max_color,
int sample_factor)
Creates a new palette image from a truecolor image
void gdImageOpenPolygon (gdImagePtr im,
gdPointPtr p,
int n,
int c)
Draws an open polygon
void gdImagePaletteCopy (gdImagePtr to,
gdImagePtr from)
Gets the color of a pixel.
int gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(gdImagePtr src)
Convert a palette image to true color
int gdImagePixelate(gdImagePtr im,
int block_size,
const unsigned int mode)
void gdImagePng (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngEx with compression of -1.
void gdImagePngCtx (gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngCtxEx with compression of -1.
void gdImagePngCtxEx (gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile,
int level)
Outputs the given image as PNG data, but using a gdIOCtx instead of a file.
void gdImagePngEx (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int level)
gdImagePngEx outputs the specified image to the specified file in PNG format.
void * gdImagePngPtr (gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngPtrEx with compression of -1.
void * gdImagePngPtrEx (gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int level)
Identical to gdImagePngEx except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the PNG data.
void gdImagePngToSink (gdImagePtr im,
gdSinkPtr outSink)
void gdImagePolygon (gdImagePtr im,
gdPointPtr p,
int n,
int c)
Draws a closed polygon
The data structure in which gd stores images.
void gdImageRectangle (gdImagePtr im,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
int color)
Draws a rectangle.
Gets the red component value of a given color.
Gets the horizontal resolution in DPI.
Gets the vertical resolution in DPI.
gdImagePtr gdImageRotateInterpolated(const gdImagePtr src,
const float angle,
int bgcolor)
Rotate an image
void gdImageSaveAlpha (gdImagePtr im,
int saveAlphaArg)
Sets the save alpha flag
gdImagePtr gdImageScale(const gdImagePtr src,
const unsigned int new_width,
const unsigned int new_height)
Scale an image
int gdImageScatter(gdImagePtr im,
int sub,
int plus)
int gdImageScatterColor(gdImagePtr im,
int sub,
int plus,
int colors[],
unsigned int num_colors)
int gdImageScatterEx(gdImagePtr im,
gdScatterPtr scatter)
int gdImageSelectiveBlur(gdImagePtr src)
void gdImageSetAntiAliased (gdImagePtr im,
int c)
Set the color for subsequent anti-aliased drawing
void gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend (gdImagePtr im,
int c,
int dont_blend)
Set the color and “dont_blend” color for subsequent anti-aliased drawing
void gdImageSetBrush (gdImagePtr im,
gdImagePtr brush)
Sets the brush for following drawing operations
void gdImageSetClip (gdImagePtr im,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2)
Sets the clipping rectangle
int gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(gdImagePtr im,
gdInterpolationMethod id)
Set the interpolation method for subsequent operations
void gdImageSetPixel (gdImagePtr im,
int x,
int y,
int color)
void gdImageSetResolution(gdImagePtr im,
const unsigned int res_x,
const unsigned int res_y)
Sets the resolution of an image.
void gdImageSetStyle (gdImagePtr im,
int *style,
int noOfPixels)
Sets the style for following drawing operations
void gdImageSetThickness (gdImagePtr im,
int thickness)
Sets the thickness for following drawing operations
void gdImageSetTile (gdImagePtr im,
gdImagePtr tile)
void gdImageSharpen (gdImagePtr im,
int pct)
Sharpen an image.
int gdImageSmooth(gdImagePtr im,
float weight)
Smooth an image
gdImagePtr gdImageSquareToCircle (gdImagePtr im,
int radius)
Apply polar coordinate transformation to an image.
void gdImageString (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
unsigned char *s,
int color)
Draws a character string.
void gdImageString16 (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
unsigned short *s,
int color)
char * gdImageStringFT (gdImagePtr im,
int *brect,
int fg,
const char *fontlist,
double ptsize,
double angle,
int x,
int y,
const char *string)
Render an UTF-8 string onto a gd image.
char* gdImageStringFTCircle (gdImagePtr im,
int cx,
int cy,
double radius,
double textRadius,
double fillPortion,
char *font,
double points,
char *top,
char *bottom,
int fgcolor)
Draw text curved along the top and bottom of a circular area of an image.
gdImageStringFTEx extends the capabilities of gdImageStringFT by providing a way to pass additional parameters.
char * gdImageStringTTF (gdImagePtr im,
int *brect,
int fg,
const char *fontlist,
double ptsize,
double angle,
int x,
int y,
const char *string)
Alias of gdImageStringFT.
void gdImageStringUp (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
unsigned char *s,
int color)
void gdImageStringUp16 (gdImagePtr im,
gdFontPtr f,
int x,
int y,
unsigned short *s,
int color)
Gets the width (in pixels) of an image.
Gets the height (in pixels) of an image.
void gdImageTiff(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
void gdImageTiffCtx(gdImagePtr image,
gdIOCtx *out)
Write the gd image as a tiff file.
void * gdImageTiffPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
Whether an image is a truecolor image.
Gets the color of a pixel.
int gdImageTrueColorToPalette (gdImagePtr im,
int dither,
int colorsWanted)
Converts a truecolor image to a palette image
int gdImageTrueColorToPaletteSetMethod (gdImagePtr im,
int method,
int speed)
Selects the quantization method
void gdImageTrueColorToPaletteSetQuality (gdImagePtr im,
int min_quality,
int max_quality)
Chooses a quality range for quantization
void gdImageWBMP(gdImagePtr im,
int fg,
FILE *outFile)
void gdImageWBMPCtx(gdImagePtr image,
int fg,
gdIOCtx *out)
Write the image as a wbmp file
void * gdImageWBMPPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int fg)
void gdImageWebp (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
Variant of gdImageWebpEx which uses the default quality (-1).
void gdImageWebpCtx (gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile,
int quality)
Write the image as WebP data via a gdIOCtx.
void gdImageWebpEx (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int quality)
gdImageWebpEx outputs the specified image to the specified file in WebP format.
void * gdImageWebpPtr (gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
See gdImageWebpEx.
void * gdImageWebpPtrEx (gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int quality)
See gdImageWebpEx.
void gdImageXbmCtx(gdImagePtr image,
char *file_name,
int fg,
gdIOCtx *out)
Writes an image to an IO context in X11 bitmap format.
gdIOCtx structures hold function pointers for doing image IO.
int gdLayerMultiply (int dst,
int src)
Overlay two colors with multiply effect
int gdLayerOverlay (int dst,
int src)
Overlay two colors
int gdMajorVersion()
int gdMinorVersion()
gdIOCtx * gdNewDynamicCtx(int initialSize,
void *data)
Return data as a dynamic pointer.
gdIOCtx * gdNewDynamicCtxEx(int initialSize,
void *data,
int freeOKFlag)
gdIOCtxPtr gdNewFileCtx(FILE *f)
Return data as a dynamic pointer.
gdIOCtx * gdNewSSCtx(gdSourcePtr src,
gdSinkPtr snk)
Return data as a dynamic pointer.
Defines a point in a 2D coordinate system using floating point values.
Pointer to a gdPointF
Represents a point in the coordinate space of the image; used by gdImagePolygon, gdImageOpenPolygon and gdImageFilledPolygon for polygon drawing.
A rectangle in the coordinate space of the image
A pointer to a gdRect
int gdReleaseVersion()
void gdSetErrorMethod(gdErrorMethod error_method)
Note: This interface is obsolete and kept only for compatibility.
Note: This interface is obsolete and kept only for *compatibility.
use the current style, see gdImageSetStyle
use the current style and brush
int gdSupportsFileType(const char *filename,
int writing)
Tests if a given file type is supported by GD.
use the current tile, see gdImageSetTile
int gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(gdRectPtr src,
const double affine[6],
gdRectPtr bbox)
Returns the bounding box of an affine transformation applied to a rectangular area gdRect
int gdTransformAffineCopy(gdImagePtr dst,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
const gdImagePtr src,
gdRectPtr src_region,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a region and copy the result in a destination to the given position.
int gdTransformAffineGetImage(gdImagePtr *dst,
const gdImagePtr src,
gdRectPtr src_area,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a region and return an image containing the complete transformation.
indicate transparency, what is not the same as the transparent color index; used for lines only
Compose a truecolor value from its components
Gets the alpha channel value
Gets the blue channel value
Gets the green channel value
Gets the red channel value
const char * gdVersionString()
Lossless quality threshold.
static int getPixelRgbInterpolated(gdImagePtr im,
const int tcolor)
get the index of the image’s colors
A very large ISO-8859-2 raster font (9x15 pixels).
Read GIF images.
Write GIF images.
Legal values for Disposal.