$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
fixed point bicubic integer
fixed point bilinear
Crop black borders
Default crop mode (4 corners or background)
Crop using colors of the 4 corners
Crop using the transparent color
Crop white borders
Generalized cubic
bilinear interpolation
Nearest neighbour interpolation
4 pixels weighted bilinear interpolation
int gdAffineApplyToPointF (gdPointFPtr dst,
const gdPointFPtr src,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a point (floating point gdPointF)
int gdAffineConcat (double dst[6],
const double m1[6],
const double m2[6])
Concat (Multiply) two affine transformation matrices.
int gdAffineEqual (const double m1[6],
const double m2[6])
Determines whether two affine transformations are equal.
int gdAffineFlip (double dst[6],
const double src[6],
const int flip_h,
const int flip_v)
Flip an affine transformation horizontally or vertically.
int gdAffineIdentity (double dst[6])
Set up the identity matrix.
int gdAffineInvert (double dst[6],
const double src[6])
Find the inverse of an affine transformation.
int gdAffineRectilinear (const double m[6])
Determines whether the affine transformation is axis aligned.
int gdAffineRotate (double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a rotation affine transform.
int gdAffineScale (double dst[6],
const double scale_x,
const double scale_y)
Set up a scaling matrix.
int gdAffineShearHorizontal(double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a horizontal shearing matrix || becomes \\.
int gdAffineShearVertical(double dst[6],
const double angle)
Set up a vertical shearing matrix, columns are untouched.
int gdAffineTranslate (double dst[6],
const double offset_x,
const double offset_y)
Set up a translation matrix.
Preserve previous frame
First allocated color of palette
Restore to before start of frame
Not recommended
A font structure, containing the bitmaps of all characters in a font.
A structure and associated pointer type used to pass additional parameters to the gdImageStringFTEx function.
Return a copy of the source image src blurred according to the parameters using the Gaussian Blur algorithm.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreate (int sx,
int sy)
gdImageCreate is called to create palette-based images, with no more than 256 colors.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromFile(const char *filename)
Read an image file of any supported.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromGd is called to load images from gd format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2 (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromGd2 is called to load images from gd2 format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
Reads in a GD2 image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Part (FILE *inFile,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImageCreateFromGd2Part is called to load parts of images from gd2 format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx (gdIOCtx *in,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2PartPtr (int size,
void *data,
int srcx,
int srcy,
int w,
int h)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Ptr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGdCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
Reads in a GD image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGdPtr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGif(FILE *fdFile)
gdImageCreateFromGif is called to load images from GIF format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifCtx(gdIOCtxPtr fd)
See gdImageCreateFromGif.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifPtr (int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpeg(FILE *inFile)
See gdImageCreateFromJpegEx.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromJpeg.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtxEx(gdIOCtx *infile,
int ignore_warning)
See gdImageCreateFromJpeg.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegEx(FILE *inFile,
int ignore_warning)
gdImageCreateFromJpegEx is called to load truecolor images from JPEG format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtrEx(int size,
void *data,
int ignore_warning)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPng (FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromPng is called to load images from PNG format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngCtx (gdIOCtx *infile)
See gdImageCreateFromPng.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngPtr (int size,
void *data)
See gdImageCreateFromPng.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngSource (gdSourcePtr inSource)
See gdImageCreateFromPng for documentation.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMP(FILE *inFile)
gdImageCreateFromWBMP is called to load images from WBMP format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx(gdIOCtx *infile)
Reads in a WBMP image via a gdIOCtx struct.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMPPtr(int size,
void *data)
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXbm(FILE *fd)
gdImageCreateFromXbm is called to load images from X bitmap format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXpm(char *filename)
gdImageCreateFromXbm is called to load images from XPM X Window System color bitmap format files.
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateTrueColor (int sx,
int sy)
gdImageCreateTrueColor is called to create truecolor images, with an essentially unlimited number of colors.
void gdImageDestroy (gdImagePtr im)
gdImageDestroy is used to free the memory associated with an image.
int gdImageFile(gdImagePtr im,
const char *filename)
Writes an image to a file in the format indicated by the filename.
int gdImageGaussianBlur(gdImagePtr im)
gdImageGaussianBlur performs a Gaussian blur of radius 1 on the image.
void gdImageGif(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
gdImageGif outputs the specified image to the specified file in GIF format.
void gdImageGifAnimAdd(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
This function writes GIF animation frames to GIF animation, which was initialized with gdImageGifAnimBegin.
void gdImageGifAnimAddCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
Adds an animation frame via a gdIOCtxPtr.
void * gdImageGifAnimAddPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int LocalCM,
int LeftOfs,
int TopOfs,
int Delay,
int Disposal,
gdImagePtr previm)
Like gdImageGifAnimAdd (which contains more information) except that it stores the data to write into memory and returns a pointer to it.
void gdImageGifAnimBegin(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
This function must be called as the first function when creating a GIF animation.
void gdImageGifAnimBeginCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
Like gdImageGifAnimBegin except that it outputs to gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifAnimBeginPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int GlobalCM,
int Loops)
Like gdImageGifAnimBegin except that it outputs to a memory buffer.
void gdImageGifAnimEnd(FILE *outFile)
Terminates the GIF file properly.
void gdImageGifAnimEndCtx(gdIOCtx *out)
Like gdImageGifAnimEnd, but writes its data via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifAnimEndPtr(int *size)
Like gdImageGifAnimEnd (which contains more information) except that it stores the data to write into memory and returns a pointer to it.
void gdImageGifCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtxPtr out)
Writes a GIF image via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageGifPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
Identical to gdImageGif except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the GIF data.
void gdImageJpeg(gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int quality)
gdImageJpeg outputs the specified image to the specified file in JPEG format.
void gdImageJpegCtx(gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile,
int quality)
Write the image as JPEG data via a gdIOCtx.
void * gdImageJpegPtr(gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int quality)
Identical to gdImageJpeg except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the JPEG data.
void gdImagePng (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngEx with compression of -1.
void gdImagePngCtx (gdImagePtr im,
gdIOCtx *outfile)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngCtxEx with compression of -1.
Outputs the given image as PNG data, but using a gdIOCtx instead of a file.
void gdImagePngEx (gdImagePtr im,
FILE *outFile,
int level)
gdImagePngEx outputs the specified image to the specified file in PNG format.
void * gdImagePngPtr (gdImagePtr im,
int *size)
Equivalent to calling gdImagePngPtrEx with compression of -1.
void * gdImagePngPtrEx (gdImagePtr im,
int *size,
int level)
Identical to gdImagePngEx except that it returns a pointer to a memory area with the PNG data.
The data structure in which gd stores images.
gdImageStringFTEx extends the capabilities of gdImageStringFT by providing a way to pass additional parameters.
gdIOCtx structures hold function pointers for doing image IO.
Defines a point in a 2D coordinate system using floating point values.
Pointer to a gdPointF
Represents a point in the coordinate space of the image; used by gdImagePolygon, gdImageOpenPolygon and gdImageFilledPolygon for polygon drawing.
Note: This interface is obsolete and kept only for *compatibility.
Note: This interface is obsolete and kept only for *compatibility.
int gdSupportsFileType(const char *filename,
int writing)
Tests if a given file type is supported by GD.
int gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(gdRectPtr src,
const double affine[6],
gdRectPtr bbox)
Returns the bounding box of an affine transformation applied to a rectangular area gdRect
int gdTransformAffineCopy(gdImagePtr dst,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
const gdImagePtr src,
gdRectPtr src_region,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a region and copy the result in a destination to the given position.
int gdTransformAffineGetImage(gdImagePtr *dst,
const gdImagePtr src,
gdRectPtr src_area,
const double affine[6])
Applies an affine transformation to a region and return an image containing the complete transformation.
Legal values for Disposal.